Fall 2003 Newsletter
Leseur, Geta (Editor); Gunderson, Meg (Assistant Editor); Hawthorne, Evelyn (Author); Adisa, Opal Palmer (Author); Saunders, Tanya (Author)
A message from Evelyn Hawthorne introducing the goals and plans for the 9th ACWWS International Conference in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, new MaComère editors, and requesting members to volunteer by serving on the executive board. A statement from Opal Palmer Adisa calling for members' participation. The newsletter also highlights the board vacancies to fill, the renewal process of ACWWS' membership, the treasurer's report, recent works by scholars and writers, and the call for papers and travel information for the 9th ACWWS conference.
The Association of Caribbean Women Writers and Scholars
Subject and Keywords
Conferences, Evelyn Hawthorne, Ylonka Nacidit-Perdomo, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Dutch, Anglophone, Secretaria de Estado de la Mujer, Santo Domingo International Book Fair, MaComère, Carmen Imbert Brugal, Angie Cruz, Catherine Vallejo, Linda M. Rodriguez Guglielmoni, Ana Lydia Vega, Jacqueline Bryce Finch, Ivette Romero- Cesareo, Lizabeth Paravisini-Gerbert, Henetha Vete-Congolo, Helen Pyne Timothy,Geta Leseur, Opal Palmer Adisa, Meredith Gadsby, Tanya Saunders, Akua Duku Anokye, Shara McCallum, Maureen Roberts, Christine W. Sizemore, Betty Wilson, Catharina Vanderplaats de Vallejo
Date created
Acquisitions Source
Florida International University’s Special Collections & University Archives.
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