
Anaridia Molina's headshot

Anaridia R. Molina, Principal Investigator and Curator

PhD Candidate and Digital Archivist of the Association of Caribbean Women Writers and Scholars

University of Michigan



Special thanks to Michael Grafals, ACWWS’ Archivist, for assisting in collecting materials for the website at Florida International University and Avery Haynes, undergraduate student at the University of Michigan, for helping develop the metadata.


The ACWWS’ Digital Archive has received generous support from the Caribbean Digital Scholarship Collective micro-grant and the Rackham Graduate Student Research Grant.

Various individuals have inspired and supported this project in various ways: Opal Palmer Adisa, Giselle Anatol, Carol Bailey, Joe Bauer, Matthew Carruthers, Hope Cullinan, Gaurav Desai, Alex Gil, Maria Laitan, Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes, Supriya M. Nair, Caitlin Pollock, Linda Rodríguez Guglielmoni, Vicki Silvera, Andreína Soto, and Donna Aza Weir-Soley.